Strengths - My strengths mainly lie in Cinema 4D. I think I am a good modeller and can build characters well, especially if they are more organic. I am Getting really good at Adobe Illustrator, the pen tool is very easy to use now. Character design is a strength of mine. I am rather good at character boards.
Weaknesses - Hand drawing is a weakness of mine because I never do it anymore. Time planning is a weakness of mine, I really need to sort this out. After Effects is also a weakness. I haven't utilised the full capabilities of Adobe Photoshop, colouring is pretty much all I can do.
Opportunities - There are many opportunities in animation and illustration for me. Live brief competitions are a great way to get my work out there, I am currently working on a Future Lions live brief. If you complete a live brief, for channel 4 for example, you pretty much have your foot in the door. Social networking is another good way to get known. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Vimeo and Blogger are the biggest networking site in the world and can host any brand or business. Paul Hess, a well established illustrator, came in to have a talk with the class about his work and how he does things. It was a great insight into how I can further my career. He suggested things such as agents, which will look for work for you. I think this would be handy because it would give you more time to carry on with projects and you know you will have guaranteed work.
Threats - These include other students, competition in the animation world is very high now since there are a lot of students graduating. The north east has limited opportunities compared to Manchester and London so there will be few jobs. Threats also include technology progressing, I will have to learn new techniques and softwares. Being limited to one or two techniques will really limit the job opportunities. Deadlines can be a threat because if you don't stick to them it can be a disaster.
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